Head Office: 4865 Kent Ave | Montreal, Quebec H3W 1H4 | 514.600.1631



25 Iyar 5780
May 19, 2020


As time moves on, we continue to monitor the situation. We continue to put every effort possible to open for this summer, all the while keeping your children’s safety in mind. The mental health of our campers is of utmost importance to us, and we know that they need camp more than ever before. Rest assured, that no stone will remain unturned.

We should have had more clarity by May 15, but unfortunately, we have not yet received the green light from the Quebec Government or the Quebec Camping Association. Additionally, we are working closely with Immigration Canada with regards to border allowances.

We have chosen to continue to wait, work and monitor the ongoing situation. We will continue to share updates with you.

In the meantime,

Stay safe
Hugs from the PC Family!


10 Iyar 5780
May 4, 2020


We understand that you are anxiously awaiting news from camp. At this point, we have adopted a wait and see attitude as we continue preparing for the summer. There are so many changes in the news every single day that we need to wait for some stability in order to make proper decisions.

Our commitment to our camp family remains. We will operate if we have clearance from the various agencies that would allow for camp to run safely, such as Health Canada, Quebec camping Association, Municipal permits, and of course an open border. Once we have clarity from these agencies we will notify you.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Home so that our children can hopefully have a summer at their home away from home.

Rabbi & Mrs. Gurary

26 Nisan 5780
April 20, 2020

On Chanukah 5780 we never imagined that the world would be on lockdown. In another 70 days, we hope things will be different yet again with the opening of Camp Pardas Chanah. While we remain optimistic and continue to prepare for a summer filled with Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit, friendships, laughter and fun at our home away from home, we can certainly understand that some caution is wise in uncertain times.

For now, the camp will not process any credit cards or cash any checks until we have more clarity regarding summer 2020-5780.

With the hopes that iy”h camp will open as planned please note the following: We are continually monitoring the situation and we are working in collaboration with the Association des camps du Québec (ACQ) to implement best practices and, we will refer to public health authorities and strictly follow the recommended protocols.

Rest assured that if necessary changes to our existing health care procedures are to be required, we will be quick to implement them. In this sense, the ACQ has already sent us a series of additional preventive terms and procedures to be put in place before and during the summer.

Should Ch”v COVID-19 get in the way of the summer season, we will advise you further.

We will periodically update our camp blog with further information

Looking and hoping for a Gezunte Zummer in Yerushalayim with Moshiach.

Rabbi & Mrs. Gurary

Posted by admin / Posted on 20 Apr
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